A second, also called semitone or half step, is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music. When sounded harmonically, it is considered the most dissonant. Dissonances in music create tension and strive for resolution, appearing as unstable states that propel the music forward. Despite their instability, they form the fundamental units of great musical works. The University of the Future faces the challenge of recognizing current dissonances as developmental moments, using them as potential building blocks for a new architectural framework.
If the current higher education model is transferred to a postmodern future, which structures will gain in importance? If one takes the changed framework conditions in an educational society and the pressure affecting academic qualification processes as a basis, new demands on higher education institutions for a modern, further developed higher education model arise from this. The following aspects are the outcome of a thought experiment and display the development corridor in which higher education institutions are currently situated.
10 Sekunden
Der Zukunft der Hochschulen
Digitalisierung – Hochschulbildung in einer digitalen Welt
Die Digitalisierung beschleunigt Innovationszyklen und verändert das Bildungswesen grundlegend.
Hochschulen müssen sich an den digitalen Wandel anpassen und innovative, digitale Lernformen integrieren.
Hochschulbildung in der (medialen) Transformationsgesellschaft
Der mediale Wandel und die damit verbundenen Veränderungen in der Gesellschaft beeinflussen die Hochschulbildung stark.
Hochschulen müssen die Medienkompetenz ihrer Studierenden fördern und sich selbst medial transformieren.
Der demographische Wandel
Die alternde Bevölkerung und veränderte demographische Strukturen stellen neue Anforderungen an die Hochschulbildung.
Hochschulen müssen sich auf eine diversere und ältere Studierendenschaft einstellen.
Modernisierung & Flexibilisierung des Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarkts und ein neues Verständnis von Employability
Neue Arbeitsmarktbedingungen erfordern eine Modernisierung und Flexibilisierung der Hochschulbildung.
Employability und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Absolventen stehen im Vordergrund.
Open Education & Shared Knowledge Economy
Offene Bildungsressourcen und geteiltes Wissen werden zunehmend wichtiger.
Hochschulen sollten offene Bildungsformate und kollaborative Wissensschaffung fördern.
In-Loops und Out-Loops einer lebenslangen Hochschulbildung
Hochschulbildung muss lebenslanges Lernen ermöglichen und episodische Studienerfahrungen bieten.
Lernangebote müssen flexibel und anpassungsfähig sein.
Hochschulbildung in der VUCA-Welt
In einer Welt, die von Volatilität, Unsicherheit, Komplexität und Mehrdeutigkeit (VUCA) geprägt ist, müssen Hochschulen ihre Studierenden darauf vorbereiten, in unsicheren und komplexen Kontexten zu agieren.
Von der Steuerungsillusion zur Ermöglichungslogik
Hochschulen sollten sich von der Illusion verabschieden, alles steuern zu können, und stattdessen auf Ermöglichung und Selbstorganisation setzen.
Lernumgebungen sollten flexibel und adaptiv gestaltet werden.
Informelles Lernen im Studium
Informelles Lernen gewinnt an Bedeutung und sollte stärker in formale Bildungskonzepte integriert werden.
Lernprozesse müssen individualisiert und personalisiert werden.
Badges & Microcredentials
Alternative Zertifizierungsmethoden wie Badges und Microcredentials werden wichtiger.
Hochschulen sollten flexible und modulare Zertifizierungsmöglichkeiten bieten.
Envisioning the future
Future University Overview
If the current higher education model is transferred to a postmodern future, which structures will gain in importance? If one takes the changed framework conditions in an educational society and the pressure affecting academic qualification processes as a basis, new demands on higher education institutions for a modern, further developed higher education model arise from this. The following aspects are the outcome of a thought experiment and display the development corridor in which higher education institutions are currently situated. The university of the future will have to position itself to these key points.
Current higher education model The aim is to achieve a clearly defined comprehensive study degree, with the degree designations being awarded by the higher education institution on a statutory, sovereign basis.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) The programme consists of small study units, which can also come from different (higher education) institutions. There will be more short courses, certification courses, refresher courses. This results in patchwork studies that can then be combined into larger final degrees or certificates, such as a final degree, and certified by a higher education institution.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL), knowledge & experience
Current higher education model Recognition is possible, but there is little actual recognition practice.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) A lot of RPL recognition practice, higher education institutions develop professional processes for competence measurement and the recognition of previous performance and experience.
Current higher education model Teaching/ transfer (tutoring, courses), examinations and certification are linked within the framework of an institution.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) Teaching/transfer (tutoring, courses), examinations and certification (final examination) are decoupled and can be offered by various institutions.
Study pathways/timing
Current higher education model The course of studies is clearly defined by study and examination regulations and is mostly predetermined. Studies are structured according to time units (ECTS). Clear differentiation between part-time and full-time structure.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) The course of studies is flexible and determined by a wide range of electives. Studies are structured on the basis of content criteria. More flexible, individual time structure, more extra occupational and lifelong models.
Current higher education model 1) Clearly defined qualification goals are set in the degree course, which apply equally to all students and from which the contents and methods of the modules are derived during the course of study. Professional profiles are used as a normative paradigm for course material. 2) Methods and contents are oriented towards faculties and disciplines in a canonic way. 3) Little digital import of curricula
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Future higher education model (postmodern) 1) The study content is increasingly oriented towards long-term employability and individual educational goals, interests and needs. The focus is on more fundamental action competences and the capacity to deal with comprehensive skills. 2) The curriculum is oriented towards central issues of an area of practice. The problem orientation calls for a more interdisciplinary focus. 3) Strong digital cooperation and digital import and export between academic institutions.
Science and research structure/institution structure
Current higher education model Higher education institutions are structured in disciplinary units, the faculties; they are decisive in terms of content and structure of studies.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) Higher education institutions are strongly organised by interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cooperation forms. Studies are strongly organised on the basis of comprehensive issues as well as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work units.
Learning model
Current higher education model 1) Learning principally follows the idea of a knowledge divide which needs to be compensated for. Teaching is expert-oriented. Teachers organise knowledge transfer. 2) Exam-oriented learning: Learning is oriented towards examinations. Study follows the idea that it is about overcoming the obstacle of certification. Many exams for a detailed module structure.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) 1) Learning follows the idea of students and teachers forming a learning community (renaissance of the Universitas ideal) 2) The learning experience is central, feeding on one's own interests and self-developed issues. Examinations take place on a larger scale on overarching topics and competences. The focus is on overarching competences from larger contexts.
Current higher education model Many exams are module-oriented and often designed to reproduce knowledge.
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Future higher education model (postmodern) Examinations are competence-oriented, multimodal, take place at larger intervals and units, and cover larger areas.
Organisational framework
Current higher education model Institutional Structure: A higher education institution acts as study place and provider
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Future higher education model (postmodern) Institutional diversity: Several academic institutions are involved. Students organise study frameworks and flexible study processes adapted to their needs