The NextSkills Studies suggest a new framework for Future Skills which consists of 17 clearly defined Future Skills Profiles. In addition, the Future Skills Triple Helix reference framework has been developed, giving a foundation for the Future Skills.
How will higher education institutions have to position in order to prepare future graduates for the changing society and future work place? The Future Skills Report 2019 is based on a number of prior research studies on Future Skills – future learning and future higher education. It presents validated concept and elaborates a model of Future Skills, data on future learning and consolidated scenarios for future higher education.
With fundamental changes in the job market and challenges in our societies due to a global and technological drivers, research on Future Skills becomes increasingly relevant. However, many studies fall short on capturing the effects which technological advancements and global cooperation have today and will have in the future on higher education systems, skill development demands and labour market changes. They often reduce Future Skills directly to digital skills, which – as important as they are – only represent one side of the Future Skill coin.
The results presented from this Delphi survey are taking a broader view and go beyond digital skill demands. The approach elaborates on an experts’ informed vision of future higher education (HE), taking into account the demand for Future Skills, outlines the four signposts of change which will shape the learning revolution in higher education and presents a first model of Future Skills for future graduates.