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Future Skills Profiles

Future Skills Finder


The Future Skills Finder is an interactive map. Each station represents a Future Skills Profile. Hover over the stations or simply click them to find out more!

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Seventeen Future Skills profiles, each containing further subskills, have been defined and can be differentiated in three skills dimensions as follows:

1. The first Future Skill dimension is the subjective dimension of Future Skills profiles. It is relating to an individual’s subjective, personal abilities to learn, adapt and develop in order to improve its opportunities to productively participate in tomorrow’s working world, actively shape it and get involved with designing societies to cope with future challenges. It contains seven Future Skill profiles.

2. The second Future Skill dimension is relating to an individual’s ability to act in a self-organized way in relation to an object, a task or a certain subject-related issue. It is emphasizing a new understanding of knowledge, going beyond pure expertise and towards connecting knowledge with motivation, values and the capacity to act in the concerned field of knowledge. It contains three Future Skill profiles.

3. The third Future Skill dimension is relating to an individual’s ability to act self-organized in relation to its social and organizational environment. It is emphasizing the individual’s dual role as the curator of its own social portfolio of membership in several organizational spheres of rethinking organizational spaces and recreating organizational structures for the future. It contains five Future Skill profiles.

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With regards to Future Skills we can conclude:

  1. Future Skills can be analysed and described as a set of profiles, each containing an array of skill definitions covering future skill demands.
  2. These skills can be referred to as Future Skills and can generally be described through two cornerstone characteristics: a strong, transversal and well-developed ability of self-organisation, which is mutually supported through a high-articulated supposition to act under conditions of uncertainty. Proficiency in any field in the future will entail these two traits.
  3. Future Skills can be described within a model, which is structured into three dimensions: a subjective – individual development-related, an objective – task and subject matter-oriented, and a social dimension – organisational and environment-related. All three dimensions interact with each other and are not sole expressions of isolated skill domains: subjective aspects influence the outlook on objective aspects, as well as social aspects impact subjective and objective aspects.
  4. The Future Skills approach presented here is going beyond a static model of listing a set of defined skills. It is going beyond digital or technical skills which will – no doubt – carry high importance for the future workforce but represent just one ingredient. The specific value of the presented Future Skills approach lies within the combination of focusing on the development of dispositions to act in a self-organised manner in the respectively described domain with a defined array of skills.
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