Future Skills & Future Learning

What are Future Skills?  How can they be embedded in the already established structures of companies? And will traditional universities as we know them still be needed in tomorrow’s digitalised world?

Future Skills

The NextSkills Initiative has developed a new framework for Future Skills with 17 Future Skill Profiles. Together with the Future Skills Triple Helix Model it provides a foundation for Future Skill based Higher Education of tomorrow.


Explore the global registry on Future Skills, providing Publications, Videos and Presentations on Future Skills and building Future Universities.

Future University

The NextSkills Studies call for rethinking higher education and propose clear-cut drivers for the development of the University of the Future. Explore four scenarios for the University of the Future.

Meet us

The Future Skill Inititative regularly presents at international conferences and workshops. Participate in future events and become part of our network!

In print for 2023

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